While not rarely very big in size, Hermit Crabs play a big role in their marine ecosystems. There are many different types of them, some spend more of their time on land, while others spend more time in the sea. They don’t have their own shell as other crabs and shrimp do. Hermit crabs use the old shells of other animals. They eat mostly detritus, which is the waste and material left behind from the decomposition of other organisms and their waste. That’s why they are also called “The cleaner of the underwater world”
Many shells by the sea have been collected by humans for accessories and decorations. This means fewer shells for hermit crabs to use, which means they have to find shelter in plastics and trash in the ocean and finally die untimely. We can work together to save this beautiful creature by not picking up the shells from the sea and not throwing the waste into the ocean. So they can grow old and beautiful in their own way.